Ami Vasilopoulos + Stephanie Cruz Rincon

Your words, they dance now (Portrait of Steph), 2024
Oil on canvas. Purchase

Puerto Rico

Isla bonita

Tierra que nunca fue mía

Como es posible querer algo

que nunca he tenido

sentir que mi ser

se quiebra contra tus orillas

me ahogo en tus aguas

me parto el alma

con todo lo que me han negado

Me han quitado la vida

Me han robado la cultura

Me han dejado sin oportunidad

de tener pueblo

de tener una vida entre tus brazos

Te amo y te añoro

pero también te odio

Los trozos que me dieron de ti

Me cortaron más que tu ausencia

más de mi exilio

Fue tu rechazo

Fue la homofobia y el machismo

Fue la vergüenza por nacer

y el temor de vivir

La palara comunidad

fue un chiste que nunca entendí

Como admitir

That all I have ever wanted

was to be accepted by you

was to find the home within your shores

that came before

all the rage and violence

Where the words from my tongue tasted only of you

I don’t know how to fill this ache

or how to heal the wounds you left on me

How can I be proud of my heritage

when all I can see when I think of you

is my father

is his voice laughing in pure joy

then telling me I am horrible

his eyes haunt me at night

and his screams still echo in my soul

How can I listen to your music among all that noise?

All those shouts and curses and broken promises

Puerto Rico,

I have roots running deep within you

but they never fully formed

I was ripped from your earth

because that was the only way I could stay alive

I will never regret that

You gave birth to me

I will never forget that

But maybe

you wanted me to go

Maybe you saved my life the only way you knew

Maybe it was you

who spoke to my mother

who opened her eyes to the danger

You are water just as much as you are earth

and I have never forgotten your tides

They flow deep within me

whenever I let go

whenever I release

Yo no sé donde ir desde aquí

Pero está bien porque confió

en ti y en mí

Porque al fin creo

que con cada paso que tomo

Tú estas allí entre mis dedos

moviendo mi pelo

Yo no tengo pueblo

porque nuestra gente esta en todos los rincones de la tierra

porque mi familia es más grande de la sangre que comparto con otros

porque la cultura es fluida como tus mares


like being uprooted and torn

from the only home you have ever known

Your heart is neither here nor there

But everywhere and nowhere

The faces of the ones

you love most

start to blur

your favorite places

and sounds


against the holes

that form in the innermost

recesses of your soul

Something breaks, inside


like you have the capacity to learn

how to be both

how to blend so well

you disappear

that is all you want

once you step foot on a foreigner’s land

Here you are one thing

There you are another

But nowhere are you ever

allowed to just be


a stranger’s words

between your teeth

rolling around clumsily

falling out with all the wrong sounds

there is no music in that language

it does not make your heart sing

it does not taste like home

not the way your mother tongue used to

No, all it does is taint your voice

so that every word you speak

no matter which language

tastes of bitterness and loss

Maybe that’s why

you were so quiet

for so long

Even after you learned

how to pronounce

each one in a way that satisfied

the adults in your life

It still felt wrong

You still felt hollow


like you will never have to worry

that your mother will be taken from you


because she is illegal

You are privileged there

but legality and a US passport

does not make you belong

and you are reminded of that

every time someone stares a little too long

when you speak and want to swallow your words

shame festering in your heart

both for being different

yet simultaneously trying to conform


like everything you do

has an undercurrent of grief

of flapping in the wind aimlessly

like it doesn’t matter where you go

like you can get up and leave at any point

because you refuse to lay down roots

after they were taken from you

You’re afraid to at this point

To dare to call somewhere home

Because you learned early the idea of solid ground

is a lie, is a trap, is the one thing you can never have

How are you supposed to transform someone who has chaos

flowing through their bones into a homebody?


like you have been tired

since the day you were born

half your life consists of distant memories

and distorted voices

tucked away in the folds of your brain

there is a longing you cannot fucking shake


like you are torn between two worlds

You are not

You are the bridge

Your entire life has been about creating your own

Your own world, your own experiences, your own home

Learning to love yourself has come

with the realization

that your existence is an integration of everything you are

Learning to celebrate yourself

has infused a music in your voice

Your words they dance now

move round and round your tongue like they belong

they do

they are yours

You were never broken

You were bruised


is one phrase, two words

to outline your experience

but only music, only dance

can truly describe your life

Chaos exists within you but so does peace

You no longer have to choose

between one part of you and another

You are whole and you are allowed to exist as so

Stephanie Cruz-Rincon | Steph is a queer, nonbinary Puerto Rican poet who sees poetry as a portal. One that peels away the layer between the mundane and the magical. Their work is as much a deep internal processing as it is a way to relate and commune with others and the world.

Ami Vasilopoulos is a farmer and a portrait artist who uses her work as a form of resistance and world building. Her artwork emphasizes the interconnections of past, present, and future, and the ways in which we must learn from the past in order to create a new world.

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